Dear Parent/Carer
Welcome to our February Newsletter.
I do hope you our students had a refreshing half-term break. It has been great to welcome them back for a new term. It was a busy end to the term with the Ofsted inspection. We will share the report with stakeholders once it has been finalised by Ofsted.
Ikoba Visit
During the half-term I had the privilege of visiting Ikoba Secondary School for Girls, which is our partner school in Uganda. We have had a partnership since 2006 and look forward to celebrating the 20-year anniversary next year.
I found the visit inspiring, life-changing, humbling, and energising. Ikoba is a Christian boarding school which provides a truly exceptional quality of education in very challenging circumstances. Mrs Duzniak (Assistant Headteacher), Mr Miller (Premises Team) and I were privileged to immerse ourselves in the life of the school, community and town. An aim of the visit was to establish what the partnership will look like moving forward and we are in no doubt that there is immense mutual benefit in further developing the partnership. We look forward to sharing more information.
We are looking forward to utilising the technology available to ensure the partnership becomes more tangible and impactful for all stakeholders. There is much that we can incorporate at SMRT. We will be updating the Ikoba page of our website to ensure it captures the vibrancy of our partnership and there is more information and some pictures from our trip later in this newsletter.
I would like to thank our Year 7 students who wrote to the students in Ikoba and made them bracelets.
There is so much more to share but for now, we keep Ikoba School for Girls in our prayers and look forward to hosting a reciprocal visit in Term 6 if we can acquire the necessary approvals.
This year Lent begins on Wednesday 5 March 2025 through to Thursday 17 April 2025. Please do look out for our Lent reflections that will be shared.
Thank you to all parents and carers for all you do to ensure our students attend school regularly. Thank you to our students for getting to school on time and attending all of your lessons.
Our attendance continues to exceed national and local rates. We are mindful of the numerous factors that can affect attendance, and we are pleased with the numerous case studies we have of working together to support attendance. Please follow the link here for guidance on our attendance processes. We do have school counsellors, a broad pastoral team, and strong links with external agencies, so please do reach out if additional support is required.
Mobile Phones
A year ago, the Department for Education published guidance on mobile phones in school. The guidance can be accessed here. Our approach as detailed in our Behaviour and Good Relationships Policy is in line with one of the four approaches detailed in the guidance.
Our approach is ‘Never used, seen, or heard’. Students keep possession of their mobile phones only on the strict condition that they are never used, seen, or heard – with consequences for breaching this. I would like to thank parents and carers for their support and thank the majority of students who adhere to these expectations. However, we do have students who cross the line on this issue. As mentioned last year, we keep our policies under review, and we are now actively exploring the two approaches below:
- Mobile phone handed in on arrival
- Mobile phones kept in a secure location, which the students do not access throughout the school day
There are a number of logistical factors that need to be considered, and Mr Morgan (Deputy Headteacher) will be in contact with parents, carers, and students once we have completed the exploratory stage.
In the meantime, the current approach of ‘Never used, seen, or heard’ must be adhered to.
Sixth Form Applications
Students who are applying from our own Year 11 for places in our Sixth Form need to stay focused on achieving their target grades and make full use of the support from teachers and other staff. As the number of applicants is so high, we will not be able to be flexible with students who just miss out on the grades they need.
Community News
Ms Hale (DT) has returned from her maternity leave. She is also our lead for Careers (including Year 10 Work Experience) for KS3 and KS4. It is lovely to have her back.
We have two new LSAs joining us this term; Mrs Kusztor and Mr Baker. Mr Allen leaves us this week for a new job in London. We wish them all well.