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We Value Justice and Respect 1

Weekly Worship from Mrs Duzniak

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Last week we celebrated culture day and what a great day it was! 

Turn to the person next to you and talk about what you enjoyed the most about that day.  Was there anything that we could have done to make it even better.  Share these ideas with your tutor. 

Culture Day is all about celebrating all the differences and diversity in our school.  It is about showing resect to those who are different to us.  But showing respect is so much more!

Our ALIVE value this week is ‘We Value Justice and Respect’.

We talk a lot about justice at school but what does it mean to show respect, here is some advice that St Paul gave to Timothy in the Bible,

Don’t be harsh or impatient with an older man. Talk to him as you would your own father, and to the younger men as your brothers. Reverently honour an older woman as you would your mother, and the younger women as sisters. 1 Timothy 5:1-2

What does it look like to show respect to your parents/carers, teachers, siblings and friends.  Why is it important to be respectful?

Watch this for some ideas!

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Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for teaching us to love and respect each other.  We know that we want people to respect us and realise that this means that we must show respect to others in the same way.

Please help me to be respectful and consider the needs of others.  Help me to show respect to my teachers and the adults in my life.


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St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100