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School Leadership Team

Mr D Planter

Mr D Planter - Headteacher

Mr R Morgan

Mr R Morgan - Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour, Inclusion and Ethos) 

Mr I Taylor

Mr I Taylor - Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum, Standards, and Outcomes)

Ms E Cottell

Ms E Cottell - Assistant Headteacher (Assessment, Pupil Premium, and Exams)

Mrs K Duzniak

Mrs K Duzniak - Assistant Headteacher (Community Engagement, Personal Development and Faith)

Ms D Good - Assistant Headteacher (Teaching, Learning, and Staff Development)

Mr J Hare

Mr J Hare - Assistant Headteacher (Raising Achievement)

Mr R Shaw

Mr R Shaw - Assistant Head (Head of Sixth Form)

Mr J Pike - Director (Safeguarding and Mental Health)

Mr A Thomas-White

Mr A Thomas-White - Director (Attendance, Inclusion and Equalities)

Mrs P Whittaker

Mrs P Whittaker - SENDCo



Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100