Learning Support
The members of staff in the Learning Support Faculty believe that each student has special gifts and talents and is unique in the eyes of God.
The aims of the Learning Support Faculty are:
- To ensure that all students with SEND are happy, safe and well-supported in SMRT so that they can thrive and flourish whilst they are with us
- To act as ambassadors and champions for all students with SEND
- Provide 1:1, small group and in-class support for identified students, as necessary
- To identify and assess individual students' needs as early as possible
- To work with teaching staff to ensure all students experience a broad, balanced, relevant and appropriately differentiated curriculum
- To ensure appropriate and relevant information and support is available in order to address the evolving needs of all students
- To work closely with parents and carers in identifying appropriate provision for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- To include those students with SEND needs as fully as possible within the community and framework of the school
- To encourage and work with students in the development of independent learning, literacy and numeracy skills, self-confidence and self-esteem as they work towards achieving their full potential
A copy of our SEN Information Report is available on the Policies page.
How we Support Students and our Graduated Response
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, or SENDCo, is responsible for coordinating the provision for students with SEND. Students with SEND are initially identified through close liaison with the primary schools. Students' needs are also identified through the initial assessment procedures in Year 7 and by ongoing teacher referral; as well as through lesson observations, data analysis and work scrutinies. The school is also very keen to listen to parents'/carers' concerns and work in partnership with parents and carers.
Our Graduated Response is a way of meeting students’ SEND needs through implementation of support before moving a child or young person onto higher levels of support by assessing need, planning and carrying out strategies and interventions, and reviewing their impact.
Students identified as having SEND needs are fully included within the school by use of additional resources, including staffing and facilities. All teachers are responsible for meeting the needs of all students with SEND (as indicated by the revised Code of Practice). Teachers also contribute to the development of individualised learning targets for these students through sharing regular feedback with the learning support team; attending staff training sessions around SEND themes; contributing to annual reviews and regular reviews of SEN plans for students with high needs and liaising with the students, parents and carers.
Support for students extends to applying for exam access arrangements and providing advice and information for teaching staff concerning the needs of students. The SENDCo will liaise with Tutors, Heads of Year and the Assistant Head Teacher (Inclusion) as well as outside agencies for the benefit of students identified as SEND. A brief guide to our exam access arrangements can be found on our Exams page.
Written Statement of Action (WSOA)
Please see the link below for the final version of Bristol City Council's Written Statement of Action (WSOA) following their most recent OFSTED/CQC inspection:
There have been a number of updates since the inspection and the WSOA, and these are detailed on the following page:
Useful Links
For parents and carers of young people with SEND, the links below may be helpful: