The most obvious factor impacting on pupil’s achievement is attendance
Research indicates that students with good attendance are 2.8 times more likely to achieve 5+ GCSE’s 5-9 or equivalent, including English and maths, than students with 15%-20% absence. From September 2024, Government guidelines state that students with attendance less than 90% will be classed as persistent absentees and parents will be at risk of a penalty notice and/or court action.
Absence due to illness
Main school: If your child is unable to attend school please email or call 0117 3532069 before 8:30am on every day of absence, giving a reason for the absence.
Sixth Form: If your child is unable to attend school please email, or call 0117 3773465 before 8:30am on every day of absence, giving a reason for the absence. (For further information on Sixth Form absence see here).
This leaflet provides advice on whether to send your child into school for a range of illnesses.
What Happens if your Child is not Present?
When a student has an absent mark for morning registration and no phone call has been received, a text message will be sent to the parent/carer requesting they contact the school immediately to give the reason for absence. Please ensure the school is contacted even if you think your child is attending.
We aim for all our students to have 97% plus attendance. Should your child's attendance become of concern to us, we will contact you to inform you of this and request that you make every effort to ensure your child is in school for the maximum number of days possible.
Unacceptable Levels of Absence
High levels of absence would be more than five days on one occasion or three occasions of one day or more, usually when attendance is 90% or lower. Where there are specific medical issues affecting attendance, the school may request documents from medical professionals to support your child.
Absence Communication
If you receive a letter/email asking where your child was on a certain date, it is important that you contact us. You can do this via e-mail to, or telephone. If we do not receive this information a penalty notice could be issued as the absences will stay as unauthorised.
Medical/Dental Appointments
Parents/carers should try to make appointments outside of school hours wherever possible. Where appointments during school time are unavoidable, the student should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment.
It is not acceptable for a child to miss a whole day’s schooling for an appointment, unless absolutely necessary, in which case the school will need an explanation as to why this is.
If a student must attend a medical appointment during the school day, they must be collected from the school office by the parent/carer or another authorised adult, and signed out in the ‘signing out’ book.
No student will be allowed to leave the school site without parental confirmation.
Parents/carers should notify the school Attendance team as soon as a required absence is known for medical or dental appointments, unless it is an emergency appointment, and this must be supported by providing the school with sight of, or a copy of, the appointment card, text or letter – only then will the absence be authorised.
Leave of Absence Requests
The latest government legislation includes the fact that Headteachers’ will NOT grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If there are exceptional circumstances, parents/carers will need to complete a Leave of Absence request form in advance, so this can be considered by the school.
Penalty Notices
A £160 penalty notice can be issued by the local authority if there are a minimum of 10 half day absences in any 10 week period. All parents/carers at risk of receiving a penalty notice are sent an appointment to discuss how we can stop attendance getting to the point where a fine is sent. It is important you attend this meeting or advise us in advance if you are unable to attend. Penalty notices are £80 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice, rising to £160 if paid between 22 and 28 days. If payment is not made, you may be prosecuted for the offence of failing to ensure your child’s regular attendance at school.
Child Employment and Licensing
Children can be employed in certain occupations from 13 to 16 years old (or until the child reaches the Statutory Leaving Age). They will need a work permit and this is free from the local authority. Children who perform on stage, in television, film or commercial work, who take part in paid or professional sport or who work as models need to be licensed by their local authority, if they are missing school. Please refer to the Bristol City Council child employment and licensing website page for further information.
SOL Attendance
We have partnered with SOL Attendance to provide a framework for managing attendance.
The target attendance figure for all students is 97% or above. Based on current attendance figures, each student will be placed in one of the attendance groups in the diamond above. Students will be informed of their attendance group by their Tutor.
Religious Observance Absence
We recognise all faiths as a Christian school, and acknowledge one day of absence. If this is more than one day, a leave of absence request needs to be submitted
How you can Support your Child's/Children's Attendance
Regular attendance is not just a legal requirement, but it is vital for students to maximise their learning and achieve their full potential here at St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School. There are a number of important steps that you can take to ensure your child maintains a high level of attendance:
- Ensure your child attends every day, on time, equipped and ready to learn.
- Ensure the school has up-to-date addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. You can use your Bromcom MCAS account to update your contact details. We will contact you by text or by telephone if your child is absent, and you have not contacted the school. This ensures that we can contact you about your child and can contact you in an emergency.
- If your child is ill, contact the school. Please make sure you contact the school every day your child is absent (either by email or by phone).
- If no contact is received regarding the absence, it is recorded as unauthorised. Ultimately, the school is responsible for deciding if the absence is acceptable or not. You may be asked for confirmation regarding appointments and medical conditions if your child has a poor attendance record and this is impacting on your child's attendance.
- Ensure that medical and dental appointments are made outside of school time. If this is not possible, students should attend school around the appointment.
- Holidays should not be taken in term time. Holidays cannot be authorised unless the circumstance is exceptional and may receive a penalty notice.
- Respond to communication from the school regarding attendance and punctuality. We are grateful to parents and carers for their efforts in getting students into school, but we know that sometimes life can throw up challenges which make this difficult. We are here to support you, so if you are having trouble getting your child into school, then please contact your child's tutor or Deputy Head of Year, and we can work together to resolve the issue.