School Dinners
Our catering company Innovate provide healthy school lunches and also operate a breakfast and break-time service.
School Menus
The menu for 2024/25 is available below.
Information about the Food Information Amendment, also known as Natasha's Law, from our caterers Innovate is available here.
Cashless Payments In School and Biometric Consent
A cashless system is used in the Main School to pay for food, and students can 'top-up' their catering account at the revaluation unit on A Floor (by Student Reception) either with cash, or cheques made payable to Innovate Services Ltd. Please ensure that your child's name and Year/Tutor group (e.g. 8F PNo) is written on the back of your cheque. No cash can be accepted at the tills.
Our cashless catering system uses biometric data about your son/daughter. Biometric data is information about a person’s physical or behavioural characteristics that can be used to identify them – in our case this information comes from their fingerprint. For an explanatory letter to this system please click here.
We are required by law to notify each parent/carer that we process biometric data about their child(ren), and to obtain the written consent of at least one parent/carer in order to continue using their child(ren)’s biometric data for catering purposes. If you are happy to consent to the processing of your child(ren)’s biometric data, please sign, date and return this consent form to Mrs Jayne Trueman via the school office, or by e-mail here.
Online Payments for School Meals
You can also top up your school meal account online. Please log-in to your SCOPAY online account and select 'School Meals (Innovate Catering)' to purchase. See the SCOPAY Online Payments section below for more details on how to make payments online and a user guide.
Please be aware all top-up payments made for School meals go directly to Innovate Catering. Please note that your bank statement will display 'Innovate - St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School'.
We are unable to provide you with automatic information on what food your child has purchased. This information is still available but only on request by emailing our Kitchen Manager.
SCOPAY Online Payments
The SCOPAY website enables you to make payments to St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School using your debit or credit card. The registration process is simple but you will need your child’s/ren’s link code. This is sent to parents/carers via student post in July. If you need a duplicate please contact the Finance Office (via the main school phone number 0117 377 2100 or by email) who will email you a copy.
There are User Guides available to help you with all aspects of the SCOPAY payments system:
Free School Meals
Your child might be entitled to free school meals; click here for the LA free school meals website which has details of the criteria and how to apply, including an online application service. If you think that your child may be eligible, or if your circumstances have changed, please contact the school.