Applying to Us
Open Evenings
We had two open evenings for the Sixth Form, on Thursday 17 October 2024 and Wednesday 6 November 2024.
These evening events are for prospective year 12 students. As part of the event, you will receive a warm welcome from the Headteacher and also the Head of Sixth Form. You will also hear from some of our students about their Sixth Form experience. There will be an opportunity for you to visit specific departments and talk to subject teachers about choices, courses, options and facilities.
We will publish dates for the next open evenings for 2026 admissions in June/July 2025.
A student's view of the Redcliffe 6th Form experience can be viewed here.
Application Form
Our online Application Form for entry to the Redcliffe Sixth Form for September 2025 is available below. The deadline for submission was 9:00am on Monday 9 December 2024.
Late applications will be accepted, but will be considered when all on-time applications have been processed, and we have determined if we still have capacity.
Admissions Policy
Our Admissions Policy has full details of the application process and criteria.
- The Admissions Policy for 2025-2026
- The previous Admissions Policy for 2024-2025
- Our forthcoming Admissions Policy for 2026-2027
The grades required to study subjects in 2025-26 are presented on the subject pages of the prospectus and summarised here.
Subject Options
To see which subject combinations are possible within the Sixth Form curriculum, please visit our Subjects page. This subject matrix is changed each academic year in order to respond to students' applications and preferred subject combinations.
Subject Video Presentations and Leaflets
Ofsted and DfE Performance Measures
Results and Destinations of our Students
Please view our results and destinations information for previous academic years: