We Can Research 1
Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh
To research means to investigate and to gather answers; it can be done creatively or methodically. Research is powerful – it has changed our world! Can you name examples of how research has changed our world?
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God has given us a whole world to research, discover and utilise for both his Glory and our livelihoods! He wants us to discover, learn and mature in all understanding. God encourages us to ask questions about our life, to explore our world and to discover all he has made.
God also reveals himself to us through this created world he has made, so when we research and discover our world, we find out more about who he is too. Read and discuss your thoughts on the quote below.
God is active in all realms of life – the scientific, the social, the political. God cares for creation, orders society, seeks justice, and draws us out of our individual lives to engage the world. Margaret McLean
God encourages us to research – it’s his heart’s desire! Watch the story of Phillip and the eunuch from Acts 8:26-40. Look out for the questions that the eunuch was asking!
In the story, the eunuch asks, ‘How can I understand this unless someone explains it to me!?’ He is wanting to investigate and listen to the answers that he is looking for.
This story captures a brief but powerful encounter between Phillip and the eunuch. The eunuch has many questions and was seeking to find the answers. God responded to his search for answers by sending Phillip to come alongside him and answer all the questions he had.
The example of the eunuch is a challenge for us! Like the eunuch, we need to value the importance of looking for the answers to our questions. We need to go out into the world and find the answers for the questions we’re asking. God cares about this; he will be with us and help us find the answers.
To reflect on this, have a discussion with the following questions:
- Why do you think God cares us learning about this world he created?
- What do you want to discover or research about in your life?
- What do you want to discover about God?