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We Are Creative 2

Worship of the Week from Chaplain Eric.


‘Limitation is the source of creativity.’

Often, we think we need to have a lot in order to achieve a lot. But sometimes limitations can lead to creative breakthroughs.

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In the bible, Jesus was presented with a crowd of over 5,000 people that had followed him because of the miracles he performed. Jesus was with his disciples and asked them, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” Eventually a young person brought they’re packed lunch of two fish and five loaves. Jesus thanked God for these, broke the bread, and miraculously the fish and loaves multiplied and fed the whole crowd until they were full. There were even leftovers.

In the Old Testament, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt, but the Egyptians chased them down. The only way of escape was through the giant Red Sea. God asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” It was a staff. God told Moses to lift the staff towards the sea, and when he did, the waters parted, and the Israelites were able to cross over before the Egyptians could reach them.

There are many similar stories in the bible of great things being done with very little. What do you have right now? What can you thank God for? Is there something that you have that could be used to bless others? A talent, skill, a personality trait, or way of speaking? It may not be much in your eyes, but it can have a great impact.  

Dear Lord,

Thank you that limitations can inspire us to be more creative. Help us to not be discouraged when we feel like we don’t have enough. May we be thankful for all you give us. Show us how to use what we have in order to bless others and bring you glory. Amen

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