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Careers Programme Information

Careers – Who to Speak to

For Key Stage 3 and 4 contact Miss Hale, KS3-KS4 Careers Lead. Telephone: 0117 3772100; Email Miss Hale

For Key Stage 5 contact Mrs Apps, KS5 Progression Co-ordinator, Telephone: 0117 3772100; Email Mrs Apps

'As Enterprise Advisor to St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School I’m delighted we’ve been able to form a partnership.  This has enabled us to utilise volunteering opportunities within the firm to provide more resource to support the school’s careers programme including more employer engagement opportunities across all ages and a mentoring scheme.'

Jess Denton, Organisational Development Specialist at Burges Salmon

SMRT Careers Journey

Please see this overview of the activities and events we run to support your career choices:

Careers journey graphic

Post 16 Options Made Simple

Use the information below to help you understand the options available to you after Year 11. Click on the image for a PDF.

Post 16 Options Made Simple graphic

Post-16 Choices

You have lots of different choices about courses to take. Here is a handy table that explains all the different types of courses. Click on the table for a PDF to download.

What's Your Next Move image

Bristol Council's Post-16 Directory

Bristol City Council provide a resource pack called the Post-16 Directory which contains listings of all the school sixth forms, sixth form colleges, further education colleges and training providers offering post-16 education, training and apprenticeships in and near Bristol. Download a copy from the Council's website here.

Guidance for Parents and Carers

The Success at School website have put together guidance to help parents and carers take a positive role in your child’s career journey. It covers all the basics – from university, apprenticeships and other pathways into work, to work experience and employability skills. It outlines job roles linked to each major school subject as well as exploring the jobs of the future.

Open Days and Evenings Locally

We recommend referring to the Bristol City Council's Post-16 directory, which contains the open dates for the various Post-16 Providers from all over Bristol.

Provider Access Policy

Our Provider Access Policy can be found on our Policies page.


Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100