Study Skills Support
The SMRT Study Skills Website
Click here to access our new Redcliffe Sixth Form Study Skills site to support students with developing the academic skills and attributes needed for A Level. Here you will find information, tips and advice, to help students take control of their studies and reach their full potential.
Other Key Web Resources
Bromcom Student Portal
The Library/Resource Centre
The Library / Resource Centre is open for study at all times during the day from 8:00am until 4:00pm, and until 4:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays for homework catch-up clinic. Students must also obey the rules of the Library whenever you are there. Work silently, no food and drink, and use computers for research/study purposes only - not chat rooms, games, etc!
Private Study
To help students cope with the workload in Sixth Form, they will have study periods when they are not timetabled for a lesson. It is vital that they make good use of this time. The successful student balances study time and social time sensibly, ensuring that deadlines are met and that all work is completed, as well as enjoying a healthy social life both in and out of school. Any unlocked room can be used for study when there are no lessons taking place in them, as long as they are left tidy for lessons.
Homework in the Sixth Form
A common mistake made by many new arrivals in the Sixth Form is to think that the amount of homework set will be about the same as at GCSE - but only in 3 or 4 subjects! Unfortunately, this is not the case. Students should expect to do an hour out of lessons for every hour in lessons. This time does not simply consist of written assignments. They might be set reading or research or to create a presentation. If no work has been officially set or if they complete it quickly, then they are expected to spend time reviewing their notes, preparing for the next lesson, organising their files, reading around a topic, creating revision materials or testing one another.
If a student misses homework deadlines, they may be directed to the library for our homework catch-up clinic after school on Tuesday or Thursday to enable the work to be done so they don’t fall further behind.
Computers and the VLE
If a computer is free a student may normally use it, though they must politely ask staff’s permission if a lesson is taking place in the room. Many of our subjects have considerable learning resources available on ‘Moodle’, our virtual learning environment.
Digital Devices
We encourage students to use their own devices such as laptops and tablets for work in study areas and lessons where this is appropriate. The Sixth Form also does have laptops which are available for students to use when on site, as well as three computer rooms and computers in our library. Free Wi-Fi is provided throughout the Sixth Form Building. We expect you to use this appropriately and within the agreed parameters. As in the learning agreement, mobile phones are not to be seen in main school and not out in lessons in either building.
Equipment and Stationery
Students are expected to have a lever arch folder for every subject they sit. They are not expected to have these folders on them for each lesson, but they are expected to produce them upon request from their teachers. This means that students should regularly transfer notes and worksheets to their folders.
Their folders should be organised and provide clear evidence of the work that they are doing and the progress they are making. Your teachers will complete folder checks every half-term to ensure high standards are maintained.
Student Folders must include dividers linked to units which must include: class notes, assessments and evidence of hour for hour independent hour.
All students are expected to have the following and this will be checked by tutors and teachers:
- Pens, pencils
- Ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener
- Highlighters
- Different colour pens, pencils for annotating notes, making diagrams etc.
- Subject specific equipment, i.e. calculator.