Advent 3

Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh
As the term comes to an end, Christmas is just around the corner! This year, we are exploring the voice of Mary in the Christmas story. Mary would have seen the messy and humble place that Jesus was born into.
Imagine a moment from the Christmas story through Mary's eyes. What sights and sounds would she have experienced? How might she have felt during the different moments?
Let's watch a scene from a show about Jesus’ life. In this scene, Mary reflects on her experience of Jesus’ birth.
In front of her very eyes, Mary began to learn more and more why God chose to be with his people, through Jesus. When Jesus was born over 2000 years ago, his birth announced the rescue many people at the time had been longing for. The name ‘Jesus’ literally means ‘to rescue’ or ‘God saves.’
That first Christmas was a declaration of the good news for everyone. It was hope for shepherds and wise men alike. It was the hope that God hadn’t forgotten about the world he made.
Why would the first Christmas be described as good news?
Let’s pray,
Father God, in a world where worry, not peace, prevails, stir up that good news again. This Christmas, make it real in our hearts. Never have we needed Your joy and peace more than now. Thank You for the gift of Jesus, our Immanuel, the Word made flesh. Forgive us for forgetting—that Your love never changes, never fades, and that You never abandon the purpose for which You came: to save us and to give us life eternal, the joy of relationship with you God. Your birth—and Your death—sealed Your promise to us forever.