Lent 3

Weekly Worship from Thomas, one of our Community Chaplains.
We’re now in the third week of Lent! This year, we’re taking time to think about how we live with compassion for others. Thomas, one of our Student Chaplains, has written about how Jesus shows us to be compassionate to others.
Take a moment to think: How do you think Jesus showed compassion to others?
Everything Jesus did was an example of how to love others. He healed people, shared meals with them, helped those who were left out, and brought people from different backgrounds together. And the biggest act of compassion was when He sacrificed His life for everyone.
Jesus talked a lot about loving and caring for others. In Luke 10, He says,
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
What Jesus is saying is that just like we’re supposed to love God fully, we should love and care for everyone around us, no matter who they are. This is the way Jesus teaches us to live, so we may know life to its fullest (John 10:10).
To help us understand, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. You can read the story here.
Once he has told the story, Jesus challenges the reader with ‘You go, then, and do the same’. He shakes up our hearts with the story and challenges us to show the ’unconditional’ compassion, the Good Samaritan showed.
What do you think ‘unconditional’ compassion is?
I think it is putting aside the instinct to find reasons not to love someone and to show unreserved love to all people.
How can you show ‘unconditional’ compassion, like Jesus taught us, this week?
With everything you have and can offer, use it to love God and others.
Let’s pray,
Thank You for showing us how to love others with compassion. Help us to see those around us the way You do – with kindness, understanding, and care.
Teach us to be there for others, whether they’re hurting, different, or left out. May our hearts be open to helping, sharing, and lifting others up, every day.