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We Can Question 1

Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh.

This week, we move onto looking at the ALIVE Value, ‘We can Question.’

According to some research, teachers ask up to two questions every minute, up to 400 in a day, around 70,000 a year, or two to three million over the course of a career.

We spend a lot of time every day asking questions, either out loud or in our own heads. We make lots of decisions that start with a question, e.g. shall I walk to school or get the bus? Should I put pineapple on my pizza?

Image from Freepik

Image from Freepik

Questions help us to learn, discover and impact our decisions.

We often ask questions about faith, God, beliefs, purpose, existence and more. A.W. Tozer once said, ‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’

Do you think that’s true? Have a quick discussion about your response to this question.

I am sure all of you have big questions about life. Let’s brainstorm these! As a tutor, create a brainstorm with big questions you’ll have about life.

Here are some examples of big questions I have:

  1. What would the world look like if we all lived in peace?
  2. Why did God create me to live now on earth?
  3. What is God’s plan for the world?

Let’s pray to finish

Father God,

Thank you for creating such a beautiful, diverse and vast universe. We can see that there is so much to explore, discover & learn. Reveal to us the incredible truths of our world and create a greater curiosity within us. As we ask questions and search for answers, be close to us and guide us through all our times of questioning.


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St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100