We Value Diversity and Choice 2
Weekly Worship from Mrs Duzniak
This week we continue to think about valuing diversity and choice.
One of the best things about our school is all the different countries represented by so many different families. It is great that we have connections with so many countries around the world.
If you have been watching the news over the past few weeks, you will have seen the devastation in Morocco and Libya. It is so sad that so many people have lost their lives and in a school, as international as ours we all feel the effects of sad stories like this from around the world.
We are going to use our time this morning to reflect and pray for all the people affected by the story. In case you need a reminder, this is what has happened in Morocco – as you watch this film, think about who needs your prayers and thoughts.
In Libya, there have been some big floods and storms that have also caused devastation. Again, as you watch this film, who needs your prayers and thoughts?
Have a discussion as a class about what came into your mind as you watched the films. How would this impact us if something like this happened in Bristol?
We are going to pray together - You can read the words and join in with an Amen at the end, or you can use this time to reflect and pray on your own.