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We Value Faith 2

Last week, Mrs Duzniak shared what faith means and why people value it. We are going to continue to think about that this week!

So often, we hear people talk about how God changed their life. Why do you think faith has such a big impact on people?

Jesus gave an answer to this question, by telling a story that is shown in the video below. Watch the video and reflect on what is said.

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When Jesus mentions the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, he is talking about discovering everything that God has promised and living an exciting life with God himself. The two men in the story had their lives changed because they encountered something SO GOOD that it inspired them to change all they had! This is the same experience for those who have faith in God.

This experience with God changes people because they discover that God knows them and loves them. This love isn’t a mediocre love – this is a love so incredible, that is displayed when God sent Jesus to be our hope and rescue. When we turned away from God, he never gave up on us. God shows people that he can forgive them of everything, he can restore all in their lives and gift them eternal life with him.

So many people have faith, because it comes from first understanding what God has done for them. It changes everything for them! Is that the same for you?

I want to challenge you to ask yourself if you value faith and why. Reflect and chat with those around you on the following:

Do you value faith? Whatever you answer this question, explain why.


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