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We Value Justice and Respect 2

Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh

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To start, take a moment to think about a definition for the words peace and justice. Share your thoughts with each other.

In a speech given in 1972, Pope Paul VI made the bold statement “If you want peace, work for justice.”  There is a close connection between justice and peace. I reckon you could say “If you want justice, work for peace.”

Peace often shows us the presence of justice. There is no fighting, oppression or sense of fear. In other words, there is harmony between people.

What do you think ‘harmony between people’ looks like?

In his most famous sermon, Jesus said ‘God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.’ Jesus teaches us not just to believe in peace, but to work for it and bring peace to our communities and world. That is a challenge for you and for me.

To value justice, you need to be a peacemaker.

So, what does a peacemaker look like? Here are some thoughts:

  • Speak out when we see injustices. Sometimes, all it takes to begin building a more peaceful and inclusive society is one person who is willing to stand up for what is right.
  • Treat one another with a love you would yourself hope to receive. Remember that each human being is created in the image of God. Love each other as God has loved you.
  • Reconciliation & forgiveness are powerful acts. When we have fallen out with others, prioritise forgiveness and seek to restore what was broken.

Spend a moment creating a brainstorm with ideas about how you could be a peacemaker in school, your community and this world.

Let’s pray,

Lord Jesus, you are called the Prince of Peace. You want to see both peace and justice in our world.

You teach us that it’s not enough to just believe in peace, but we must act to bring peace to our world. Fill our hearts with your grace and justice, so we may bring peace to our school, communities and world. Where we see injustice, remind us to act. Where we see discrimination, challenge us to speak up.

May our world be known as a home of peace for all. A home of justice for every human being.


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St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100