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We Value Justice and Respect 4

Weekly Worship from Chaplain Josh

I want us to share a few thoughts on ‘valuing others’ this morning. To demonstrate justice and respect to others, starts with an understanding of value.  

What does it mean to recognise a person’s value?  

How do you think God teaches us to value each other? 

God gives us bold commandments to love others as he loves us. Our love for others has to model God’s love for us. We need to see others with the eyes God sees us through.  

That looks like: 

  1. Recognising that we are all made in the image of God. 

  1. Each of us are worthy of love.  

  1. We are all ‘masterpieces’ in the eyes of God.  

  1. Every person deserves justice, respect and kindness. 

  1. God celebrates our differences, he crafted diversity in his creation.  

To value one another, we need to hold these things close to our hearts. 

How can you show someone that you recognise their value? 

There is hope in our world when we value others with a true recognition of their worth and value.  

We need to hold to this as individuals and communities.  

We see many communities around our world demonstrate how to highly value one another.  

Last week, many celebrated Eid ul-Adha from Sunday-Thursday. Eid ul-Adha is one of the most important festivals in the Muslim calendar and celebrates the time when Allah gave Ibrahim a lamb to sacrifice after Ibrahim’s obedience, in first offering his own son, Isma'il.  

Eid-ul-Adha is a time for Muslims to reflect on the values of obedience, sacrifice, and charity. To show value and love to others, this festival is a time of giving, sharing and supporting one another. Many Muslims will give to those where they see need. 

For those who celebrated, we hope you had a special time with your friends & families! May that festival be a reminder of the love and support we have for each other. 

Let’s finish with a prayer, 

Father God, you created us all in your image to be valued and loved. Give us courage to not close our eyes or hearts when we see injustice; allow us to use the voice you gave us to speak out.  

We pray that you create a lens, so that every life is seen as valuable. May everyone be treated with respect and dignity. For we know you love each of us and call us to love like you. 


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