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Start of Term Information

Information about the start of the new year.

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your child on Tuesday as they return to school after the summer break. This letter contains some key information about the start of term. Here is a reminder of the timings for Tuesday 5 September:

Year 7 - 08:30am to 3:15pm

Year 8 -11:10am to 3:15pm

Year 9 -10:10am to 2:10pm

Year 10 -11:10am to 3:15pm

Year 11 -10:10am to 2:10pm

Year 9 and Year 11 students will finish slightly earlier at 2:10pm. This is because they are starting earlier during the day, and it will help us have a calmer end to the first day for our new Year 7 students.

Please note that we expect all students to be in full SMRT uniform on Tuesday. This includes the school jumper as well as the blazer. Please note that students must wear plain black school shoestrainers and footwear made by sportswear suppliers are not acceptable. Students may wear one pair of studded earrings and a wristwatch. No other piercings/jewellery, including facial piercings, are permitted for safety reasons. Students may wear nail varnish. False nails/acrylics are not permitted for safety reasons. Here is a link to the website for further details:

Uniform details

Thank you for your support we look forward to working with you this year to achieve the best for your child.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Duzniak

Assistant Headteacher

Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100