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Start of Term Information for September 2023

Important start of term information

Dear Parent/Carer

We do hope that you and your family are able to have a rest over the Summer Holidays. 

We look forward to welcoming you back in September.

We have 2 INSET days at the start of Term 1 which means that all students return to school on Tuesday 5 September.

As we have a lot of key information to get through with each year group we will be having a staggered start. These are the times that students must return to school on Tuesday 5 September.

Year 7 - 08:30am

Year 8 - 11:10am

Year 9 - 10:10am

Year 10 - 11:10am

Year 11 - 10:10am

Students will receive their timetables on this day and also other key information for the year.  They will need their pencil case and must be in full school uniform. Lessons will begin on Wednesday 6 September (Week 1).

Mrs Duzniak
Assistant Headteacher

Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100