‘In Church schools the deeply Christian foundation for this vision will be seen explicitly in teaching and learning both in RE and across the curriculum, and also in the authentically Christian worship and ethos of those schools. ‘
Church of England Vision for Education, Autumn 2016
This is the sort of school that we are striving to be. The SIAMS report in 2017 recognised it and we see it in our daily task of putting our values into practice individually and corporately.
We have both formal and informal worship regularly that can be student or teacher led.
Each week we have a Weekly Worship. This is experienced by all students during tutor time. We are delighted that we can share services and a deeper relationship with the historic and inspiring St Mary Redcliffe Church. Every school term begins and ends with a whole school church service at St Mary Redcliffe Church. Students participate and lead these services through music, prayers and readings.
We have a school chaplain and a number of assistant chaplains (volunteers from churches). The school chaplain supports students and staff in many ways including extracurricular Christian Clubs for students.
Staff meet regularly (every Tuesday morning) to pray for the school community.
As a school we see our charity work as part of the working out of our faith. Our partnership with Ikoba School (Uganda) is made all the richer due to our shared faith.
We are proud to have been part of the Diocese of Bristol throughout the school’s history.
The school believes that Educational Inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners. Please refer here to our Measurable Equality Objectives.