Media Studies Key Stage 4
In Media Studies we want students to leave the course with a wide range of practical media skills and an ability to read, evaluate and question a variety of media forms. Students will develop a strong awareness of the influence of the media and insight into how media forms are constructed.
Curriculum Overview
Students complete a series of modules based on different media texts – music video, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, gaming, film, and advertising. The modules encompass both historical and contemporary media contexts and are studied alongside a wide range of media theories. Each module is studied throughout the course and assessed using past questions once each module is completed. There are also mock exams at different stages throughout the course – Autumn Year 10, Summer Year 10, Autumn Year 11, and Spring Year 11. These mock exams give a clear sense of progression. The Coursework element of the course is completed at the end of Year 10 and the beginning of Year 11.
Sequencing, Setting and Support
Students analyse a range of media texts and forms incorporating discussion and use of media theory and language. Through annotation of print forms, discussion of representation in texts, writing responses using annotations and discussions, creating texts using careful planning, research, and application, students incrementally build their knowledge and can apply their expanding range of terminology and theoretical knowledge to each new module in turn. Coursework is largely completed at the end of Year 10 and the beginning of Year 11. A comprehensive revision schedule is enacted in the spring and summer of Year 11.
Media Studies at KS4 is taught in mixed ability sets. The curriculum, teaching and classroom activities invite stretch and challenge for higher ability students and support and consolidation for those students for whom the material presents differing obstacles.
Teachers have high expectations of all our students, especially those with SEND, disadvantaged students, those with EAL and the more able. Teachers in Media Studies deploy a range of strategies which provide appropriate support and challenge to individual students. For example, by using the media language and theory terminology sheets for EAL and SEND students. Teachers use prior assessment data and additional information to create a detailed seating plan to ensure a classroom environment which maximises outcomes for all students, recording key strategies in this plan as appropriate. Make sure this is fluid and encourages students to work with a variety of different people in class – this is integral to the values of Media Studies as a course. Teachers help students to develop their communication skills, using appropriate strategies to develop their confidence, comprehension and fluency and use a range of media forms to analyse and discuss texts.
Alive Themes in Media Studies
Students develop an understanding of a range of contemporary media texts and forms reflecting both national and international contexts, issues, and representations. Media Studies foregrounds the ALIVE theme ‘I am Creative’ which encourages students to interpret key concepts through their own written and visual imagination. This is particularly important when approaching the coursework element of the course. Media Studies, through classroom teaching and activities, also prioritises the ALIVE themes of ‘I can communicate’, and ‘I am questioning’.
Assessment in Media Studies
Teachers of Media Studies at KS4 use formative assessment to provide regular feedback to students so they are clear on how to improve in this lesson or module, for example, verbal feedback or live marking, and use this information to inform teaching. Teachers use example or past GCSE questions at the end of each unit and use summative assessment to make an accurate and informed judgement about students’ progress at a maximum of three points during the academic year.
In addition, teachers of Media Studies help students to plan and review their work, including responses to summative assessment for example, ‘green pen’ activities in response to GCSE questions, and ensure that the students know what they need to revise for any assessment or exam. Students know how to revise effectively for this subject using the GCSE revision area on Moodle and teachers provide regular opportunities to use and develop retrieval strategies.
Homework and how Parents/Carers Support Learning
All homework is set on Bromcom which is an app and website available to students and parents/carers. Further information is available on our Homework page.
These are the principles which underpin our homework.
The setting of weekly homework tasks and activities actively supports what is learnt in the classroom.
Teachers in Media Studies aim to raise students’ aspirations and engagement through the setting of homework that is engaging, and which provides opportunities for students to reinforce and develop their knowledge, understanding and creativity. A range of homework can be seen on Moodle and Digital Resources page of the EDUQAS GCSE Media Studies website.
Homework is set on Bromcom and this encourages good organisation skills. Teachers in Media Studies check that all students record homework in their planner and teach students how to build their resilience when faced with challenging activities.
All these resources and methods or access and recording are available to parents and guardians to enable them to support the student with the homework that is set (see links below).