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The Alive Curriculum

Our curriculum thinking is rooted in both the Christian foundation of our school and our knowledge of the students we serve and what they need to flourish in local, national and international contexts. We believe that “The glory of God is a human being fully Alive” (Iraneaus) and our vocation is to help students be “fully Alive” learners through the curriculum we provide.

We have developed a curriculum which allows students to develop the skills, knowledge and Alive themes which will enable them to make their unique contribution to the world.

Triangular infographic with three sections showing the three pillars of our Alive learning model and all our values. The Alive Logo comprises of 3 triangles grouped together to form a larger triangle with the word Alive at the top. The left hand side triangle is labelled 'We are' and inside are the values words: Creative, Resilient, Forgiving, Organised and Interdependent. The middle triangle is labelled 'We Value' and inside are the values words: Diversity & Choice, Justice & Respect, Trust & Truth, Ourselves and Faith. The right hand triangle is labelled 'We Can' and contains the values words: Review, Question, Research, Contribute, Communicate.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum at KS3KS4 and KS5 which reflects our key values of diversity and choice. Building upon the foundations of the National Curriculum and the English Baccalaureate and reflecting the needs of the local economy and the diversity of backgrounds, experiences and aspirations of our school community, we offer a learning experience designed to equip students with the highest grades and with the skills they will need to put their learning into action whatever their chosen career path.

The structure of the curriculum and the time allocated to each subject can be viewed here.

The Alive themes are the ‘golden thread’ which runs through each subject and each key stage, as well as the learning that happens outside the classroom. Each subject has its own Alive theme linked to the distinctive nature of their specialism. Subjects highlight and celebrate their chosen theme while at the same time offering opportunities to develop all the values, skills and attributes of the Alive model.   

Triangle infographic that maps subjects in our curriculum to the Alive Values

Our pastoral and Values In Practice programmes and our extra-curricular offer reinforce and extend the learning that happens in each subject. This leads to a coherent connected curriculum that encourages students to make links between their learning in different lessons and to know and value themselves as unique, fully alive young people.  

Contact us

St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

0117 3772100